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Category Archives: General

How Eyelid Surgery Can Improve Your Life & Your Vision

You may have noticed that the aging process brings with it more than wisdom. All areas of your body begin to change and this includes your eyelids. Ptosis (drooping eyelids) is especially common as men and women get older. You’re also more likely to develop under eye bags, which make you appear tired and older […]

Is PRK or LASIK Better for Vision Correction?

PRK and LASIK laser eye surgeries utilize different techniques, but both deliver excellent results. The question is not which procedure is better, but rather which one is better for your eyes? Both laser eye surgeries reshape the cornea to correct your vision, but they differ when it comes to your corneal surface. LASIK creates a […]

3 Reasons Why You Should Have Lipo in NYC

It’s no surprise that City is one of the world’s top 10 cities to have cosmetic surgery. NYC is filled with professionals who are at the top of their field, which includes cosmetic surgeons. There are many reasons to choose to have your lipo or any other cosmetic surgery procedure done in NYC, but these […]

How to Prepare For Your Butt Augmentation Procedure

Butt augmentation can enhance the shape and contour of your buttocks. Diet and exercise can help you lose weight and tone muscles, but it’s difficult to tone your buttocks through these methods alone. Our cosmetic surgeon in NYC can help you decide if you’re a good butt augmentation candidate and walk you through the preparation […]

What is a Mini Facelift?

Today’s advanced cosmetic surgical procedures mean men and women can receive effective facial rejuvenation results without invasive surgery. The “mini facelift” is in fact a surgical procedure, but it doesn’t modify tissue the same way that a full facelift does. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Basil Pakeman will make a series of small incisions along the […]

25 Years of LASIK Laser Eye Surgery

25 years ago, LASIK laser eye surgery was FDA-approved to correct common vision problems. This innovative laser technology has since given more than 28 million people worldwide the gift of perfect vision. LASIK technology advances each year. Now, more than 30 lasers are FDA-approved for vision correction. Whether you are nearsighted, farsighted or have astigmatism, […]

How is Asian Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Your eyes are an essential part of your overall appearance. Asian eyelid surgery is a common procedure done to widen the eyelid opening and form a crease. Nearly 50 percent of Asian men and women are born without an eyelid crease or fold, which is called a “single eyelid.” This procedure is not as invasive […]

How Much Weight Can Lipo Remove?

Diet and exercise can help you lose weight and tone muscles, but there are some areas such as the abdomen and “love handles” that are difficult to get rid of. Lipo can help you get rid of stubborn fat, but this body contouring procedure is not an answer for weight loss or obesity. This cosmetic […]

Top 5 Most Popular Body Areas for Lipo

Diet and exercise can help you lose weight and tone muscles, but some body parts are more difficult to tone than others. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Lipo is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgeries across the country. More than 222,000 Americans had liposuction in 2015 alone. There are several […]

QUIZ: Is LASIK or PRK Right for You?

Prescription eyeglasses and contacts can be a burden and make you miss out on things you enjoy such as swimming or biking. LASIK and PRK laser eye surgeries can give you the freedom of 20/20 vision or better. Our quiz will help determine which laser technology is right for you, but the best way to […]

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