240 East 64th Street, New York, NY 10065

Lipo 360 and BBL (Liposuction 360 and Brazilian Butt Lift)

Conveniently located to serve New York City

Lipo 360 Before and After Photo

What is Lipo 360 and BBL

Lipo 360 and BBl (liposuction 360 and Brazilian Butt Lift) is one of the fastest-growing cosmetic surgery body sculpting procedures to reshape the body and buttock by combining liposuction and fat grafting. Lipo 360 and BBL became a highly desired buttock augmentation procedure due to the many admirers of celebrities like JLo (Jennifer Lopez), Beyonce, Kylie Jenner, and Kim Kardashian.

The Brazilian Butt lift procedure involves Fat Transfer also known as Fat Grafting, and fat has the richest supply of stem cells in the body. This high quality of stem cells is perfect for Butt Augmentation which consists of two steps: Liposuction (Fat Harvest and injections or Transferring the fat into the Buttocks).

What to Expect During the Lipo 360 and BBL Procedure

For a BBL with Lipo 360, the fat is liposuction for the areas like the abdomen, flanks, thighs, hip, sacral area, saddlebags, wrist, and upper back to create an aesthetically pleasing shape and contour of the body, liposuction 360. The 360 degrees of the liposuction of the body is artistically done to sculpt an hourglass figure with a wrist that is at least one-third smaller than the hips, the golden hip to waist ratio. Creating a snatched waist and enhancing the buttocks and the hips, lipo360 and BBl can greatly transform the bodily contours of both men and women.

Using an aspiration device with a small cannula in lipo 360, the fat is harvested or taken from the areas where it is not wanted: the waist, saddlebags, thighs, back, or the abdomen, and placed exactly where desired in the buttock, hips, and thighs to create an artistic shaped and contoured BBl. In males, the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is associated most often with liposuction of the abdomen, flank, and chest which is followed by fat grafting to the buttocks. The objective in our men’s BBL and lipo is to create a well-defined chest and abdomen with a masculine contoured buttock, buns of steel look.

Does the Procedure Require Anesthesia?

The Brazilian Butt Augmentation or Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure can be done under local tumescent anesthesia with under IV Sedation (twilight anesthesia) or general anesthesia Tumescent anesthesia with IV sedation greatly decreases postoperative nausea and makes much easier recovery than with general anesthesia. Following a BBl and lipo 360 with tumescent anesthesia with twilight sedation, patients are very comfortable without pain and only mild soreness which is best addressed with Tylenol if needed. They can go to work the 2-3 days, and the gym in just 2 weeks.

Lipo 360 and BBL vs. Silicone Implants

How is BBL with lipo better than buttocks (silicone) implants:

  • Buttocks augmentation using implants is associated with nearly 30-40% complication rate vs with less than 1% complication rate with (BBL) Fat Transfer when fat is placed in the superficial fat layer and not intramuscular.
  • Sub-muscular buttocks implants can result in severe postoperative pain vs soreness in BBL
    Infections are quite common in Buttock Lift implants and not in BBL.
    Silicone buttocks implants may shift over time causing shape distortion of the buttocks and discomfort, and the fat does shift in BBL.
  • Silicone Butt implant limits walk or run for months, with BBL and lipo 360 routine activities can be resumed in one week.
  • BBL Fat Transfer is not an option in an individual with insufficient fat, then butt implants come an alternative or NON-SURGICAL BBL using Sculptra

How Much Does Lipo 360 and BBL Cost?

The cost of Lipo 360 and BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift Augmentation surgery) will vary according to how many areas need to be addressed by Liposuction. We are all unique individuals therefore each individual needs will vary, and this will be reflected in your BBL/Lipo360 treatment plan and cost.

Dr. Basil Pakeman recommends when shopping for the best results in your Brazilian Butt lift (BBL), shop for the skill and experience of the best BBL and Lipo 360 Surgeon, quality and not price. A cheap BBL can end up costing you more and place your health and well-being at risk.

Contact Our Office

If you’re interested in learning more about how the lipo 360 and BBL treatment can help you achieve the body of your dreams, please call 212-308-1566 to schedule your NYC Brazilian Butt Lift consultation with Dr. Basil Pakeman today.

Frequently Asked Questions about Lipo 360 and BBL (Liposuction 360 and Brazilian Butt Lift)

Q:What Is a Lipo 360 with BBL?

A: Also known as a butt augmentation, a Brazilian butt lift uses your excess fat from another of your body, such as the thighs or abdomen, to enhance your buttocks. During the procedure, Dr. Pakeman will use liposuction to remove excess fat, purify the fat, and then he will skillfully inject it into your buttocks to create a perkier and more voluptuous backside.

Q: How Long Does a BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) Last?

A: Your BBL results will be long lasting. There is a possibility 20 to 30% reabsorption rate of the injected fat, at least 70 to 80% of the fat is maintained.

Q: What Is the Difference Between a BBL and Butt Implants?

A: Both BBL and Butt Implants are buttocks enhancing surgical techniques. A Brazilian butt lift uses your fat from another area of your body for the butt enhancement. In situation when you do not have enough fat to perform fat grafting, butt implants can be used for the buttock enhancement

Q: How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A: Most patients can return to work and normal activity within one to two weeks after the procedure. Full recovery for a BBL can be up to six months or more.

Q: When Can I Resume Exercising after a (BBL) Brazilian Butt Lift?

A: You can begin walking and light activity by one to two weeks after your BBL with liposuction. In most cases, Dr. Pakeman will recommend four to six weeks after the procedure to resume an exercising routine.

Q: Who are good candidates for the BBL and Lipo 360?

A: Men or women with flat or poorly developed buttocks with excess fat in other areas of their body who desire more fullness and perky buttock are generally excellent candidates for buttocks enlargement with a BBL. Male or female buttock implants maybe considered for individuals with insufficient body fat.

Q: How much fat is needed in a BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)?

A: This will depend on the amount of correction desired. Dr. Pakeman commonly injects 300-1200 cc of fat per side for the Brazilian Buttlift Procedure.

Q: What are the risks and complications associated with a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery?

A: The risks of butt lift surgery with fat grafting are like those of liposuction with the additional risk of fat grafting to the buttocks. As with any surgeries, there is always risk of infection, bleeding, and scarring. There is a 30% chance of fat re-absorption in butt enhancement. Risks will vary depending on the patient. There is increase mortality risk associated with intra-muscle verses subcutaneous fat injections (injections within fat) within the buttock due to possible fat emboli. In a surgery by American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the risk of fat emboli is 1/3000 cases

Q: What layers of the buttock is fat injected into with the butt lift?

A: In the BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift), fat is injected superficially beneath the skin within the fat layer of the buttock, and deep injection into the gluteal muscles. Deep injections within and below the muscles with BBL is associated with a high risk of fat embolism to the lung and heart can result in increased mortality. To perform a safer Butt lift Surgery, Dr. Pakeman injects fat only superficially in BBL. As a founding member of WAGS, Dr. Pakeman is in full support of patient safety and education. The World Association Gluteal Surgeons (WAGS) is an organization of the world top Gluteal Surgeons who are devoted to educating patients and doctors about performing gluteal procedures in the safest manner possible. WAGS was the brainchild of Dr. Michael Salzhauser (aka @therealdrmiami, DR Miami).

Q: Will follow-up visits be needed after the BBL and Lipo 360?

A: Yes, the amount of visits needed for the Brazilian Buttock Lift will vary with each patient.

Q: What is the recovery time for a Brazilian Buttock Lift?

A: Most patients can return to a desk job within one week. Returning to full activity levels also varies case by case, but usually this occurs in 2-3 weeks. The Brazilian Buttock Lift has a shorter recovery period than butt implant surgery. You must wear a special garment (to control swelling) for two weeks with Brazilian Buttlift.

Q: Can injectables like silicone and fillers instead of fat in a BBL?

A: There are no silicone or fillers injectables that are FDA approved for uses in a Brazilian Butt Lift. It is not advisable to use these alternatives for a BBL procedure. The final results may be unsatisfactory requiring revision surgeries or may become a deadly complication.

Q: What is a Non- surgical Butt Lift?

A: There is a new trend of using Sculptra to stimulate fullness in the buttock, Sculptra Butt lift (SBL). Sculptra was FDA approved to stimulate your skin’s own natural collagen production to help restore its inner structure and increase facial volume, not in the Brazilian Butt Sugery. In the Sculptra Buttlift, Sculptra is being used off labeled for an unapproved use which at the discretion of the physician and patient. The Sculptra Butt Lift is also referred to a as a non-surgical butt lift since it is by injections. The Emsculpt or RF (radio Frequency) are sometime used in non-surgical buttlift. The Emsculpt uses electromagnetic wave that cause gluteal muscles contractions which thicken and strengthen muscle fibers, also build new fibers, to increase muscle mass, Emsculpt Butt Lift. RF uses radio frequency to tighten and tone the skin of the buttocks resulting a butt lift, but it does not add volume.

Q: What is the cost of the Brazilian Butt Lift?

A: The cost of Brazilian Butt Surgery will vary depending on the amount of fat transfer needed, the number of liposuction areas. Please call our office for a quote or far any additional questions.
Ultimately, the only way to know if this butt lift procedure is right for you is to consult our experienced cosmetic surgeon. Your individualized consultation will include discussing what you want to achieve and what your options are for doing so.

To find out if you are a good candidate for a butt lift procedure, please contact Manhattan Surgical Care in New York to schedule a consultation with experienced cosmetic surgeon Basil Pakeman, MD, FRCS.

Click here to learn more about Brazilian Butt Lift.

To schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Pakeman, please call.

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