240 East 64th Street, New York, NY 10065

SmartLipo Advantages

Conveniently located to serve New York City

SmartLipo™, sometimes called laser liposuction, is a fast and highly effective way to reduce unwanted deposits of fat from nearly any area of the body. With this liposuction technique, New York cosmetic surgeon Dr. Basil Pakeman can sculpt and contour even sensitive areas such as the neck and face, allowing him to provide you with the slim and attractive look you desire.

If you are interested in learning how SmartLipo can help you reach your cosmetic goals, please contact Manhattan Surgical Care online or by calling 212-308-1566 today to schedule your initial consultation.

Increased Safety and Enhanced Results

With SmartLipo, fat cells are emulsified through laser energy prior to being removed. This step provides several unique advantages including:

  • Smaller incisions
  • No damage to adjacent muscle and tissue
  • More effective removal of fatty deposits
  • Less risk of surgical complications
  • Faster recovery
  • Enhanced skin tightening

Lasers promote collagen production which can help skin in the treatment area shrink to the body’s new contours. What’s more using a laser to emulsify fat allows for much greater precision in its removal and eliminates the need for general anesthesia, making SmartLipo both safer and more effective than traditional alternatives.

SmartLipo Candidates

The best candidates for SmartLipo are men and women who have struggled to reduce fat deposits in one or more areas of the body. While this liposuction procedure can help tighten the treatment area, it may not be effective on areas with significant amount of loose skin. During your initial consultation Dr. Pakeman will evaluate your areas of concern to determine if they will respond well to this procedure.

The best candidates for any type of liposuction should be nonsmokers who are within reach of their goal weight and prepared for both a surgical procedure and recovery period. Recovery from SmartLipo can be short, but some temporary physical restrictions will be necessary to help guard against complications. Dr. Pakeman will discuss these in greater detail as you begin to prepare for your procedure.

If you are considering liposuction in New York, please call our experienced SmartLipo surgeon at 212-308-1566 today to schedule your initial consultation.

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240 East 64th Street New York, NY 10065

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