240 East 64th Street, New York, NY 10065

SmartLipo Candidates

Conveniently located to serve New York City

SmartLipo™, also known as laser liposuction, is one of the most advanced body contouring procedures available today. With this procedure, liposuction surgeon Dr. Basil Pakeman can precisely target stubborn fat deposits for complete removal from the body, producing a slim, toned, and ideally contoured appearance as a result. If you have fat deposits that are obscuring your figure or causing an unbalanced and unbecoming look, Dr. Pakeman would be happy to meet with you for a confidential consultation to help you determine if SmartLipo is the best solution for your needs.

To schedule your SmartLipo consultation with Dr. Pakeman, please contact Manhattan Surgical Care online or by calling our New York office at 212-308-1566 today.

Ideal SmartLipo Candidates

SmartLipo is less invasive than many other types of liposuction, making it a better solution for men and women who do not have time for a more lengthy recovery period. However, while less invasive, it is no less effective than other liposuction options, making it ideal for most good liposuction candidates.

SmartLipo candidates should be:

  • Nonsmokers
  • In generally good health
  • Prepared for a recover period during which activities are limited
  • Willing to follow pre and postoperative instructions
  • Aware of the benefits and limitations of the procedure

In addition, good candidates for SmartLipo should not have a significant amount of loose skin in the treatment area. While the laser used in this procedure can help stimulate collagen production and skin tightening, excessive amounts of loose skin respond more effectively to removal through other body contouring procedures. This can be discussed in greater detail during your SmartLipo consultation at our office.

Weight Control

SmartLipo, like all forms of liposuction, is intended to sculpt and tone the body, not to assist in weight loss. If you are not close to your goal weight it may be best to complete a weight management program before considering SmartLipo.

Proper diet and exercise will be necessary after your liposuction procedure to ensure lasting results. Starting a healthy routine prior to your surgery may also serve to help you maintain and enhance your results postoperatively, making it a good practice even if you are close to your ideal BMI. Dr. Pakeman can elaborate on this and provide suggestions during your SmartLipo candidacy consultation.

If you are ready to schedule your initial consultation with our New York liposuction surgeon, please call 212-308-1566 today.

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240 East 64th Street New York, NY 10065

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