Will my Liposuction Results be Permanent?
Liposuction is used to remove stubborn deposits of fat form the body. Once removed, this fat cannot come back. However, unless care is taken, new fat can accumulate and obscure your liposuction results.
Is liposuction permanent? Yes – but only through continued commitment to your health and beauty can you make sure new fat deposits do not work to undo the ideally contoured results produced by your procedure. This will be discussed in greater detail during your consultation with New York City liposuction surgeon Dr. Basil Pakeman.
Simple Steps to Maintain Liposuction Results
Diet and exercise are essential for maintaining liposuction results, but you needn’t become an endurance athlete who only eats juiced vegetables to make this happen. In fact, just being sensible is often all it takes to keep new fat from accumulating in your liposuction treatment areas.
You should aim for two to three hours of moderate exercise every week. This can include daily walks, swimming, or anything else that gets the heart rate up. Of course, the more progressive your routine, the more enhanced your liposuction results can become.
As for diet, minimize your intake of processed and sugary foods. Opt instead for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates to both fuel the body and help prevent post-liposuction weight gain. Dr. Pakeman can discuss resources to help keep you on track during your liposuction consultation at our comfortable NYC office.
To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Pakeman, please contact Manhattan Surgical Care today. We welcome men and women from New York City and all surrounding Tri-State areas.